Max, 40x30cm linocut print

Miette, 40z30cm linocut print

Jorja, 40x30cm linocut print

Jorja (she be trippin’), 40x30cm linocut print

Toffee, 40x30cm linocut print

Kirby (pink), 30x30cm linocut print

Bondi, 15x15cm linocut print

Morrigan, 15x15cm linocut print

Kirby (red), 30x30cm linocut print

Raine, 15x18.5cm linocut print

The love our pets give us is unconditional and overwhelming. They teach us and our families how to live; they are in our hearts for the years they are at our sides, and for the years that follow. They deserve to be celebrated and remembered, and I am open for helping to capture their memory in original art.

Max & Miette, 20x15cm linocut print

Tatsu, 20x15cm linocut print

From a photo that resonates with their energy and character, whatever animal they are, I will deliver an edition of eight original linocut prints (signed and numbered 1-8/8), printed on Awagami Bamboo Select Japanese washi, handmade in Japan.

I will design and craft your original prints in the size of your choice (two size ranges: 15x15/15x20cm, SGD1,250 for an eight-print edition; 30x30/30x40cm, SGD4,000 for an eight-print edition). Reach out to me at john@tatsumakerworks.com, or click through to my contact page, to discuss for more details.